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ThanksImg 質問者からのお礼コメント. 米津玄師 ハチ の「Lemon」、YOASOBI Ayase の「夜に駆ける」、syudouの「うっせぇわ」がボカロ曲としてリリースしていたとしたら社会的にテレビで取り上げられるほど話題になったと思いますか?. 米津玄師さんの曲で、「海の幽霊」のような、あの独特な声の重なりというか、ハモリというか、そういうのでボーカルに迫力や強さや深みが生まれてると思います。 私はポップスの制作をしている者なのですが、米津玄師さんの曲の声のような迫力を出すためには、どのような声加工を施せばいいと思いますか。予想で構わないです。お願いします.

米津玄師が結婚してるのは本当ですか? ずっと米津玄師を支えてくれている事務所の社長?マネージャー?の女性とと結婚していると、業界に知り合いがいるという人から聞きました。 ほんとなんですかね…?. キューベース初心者です。 パソコンを買い替えまして、新しいパソコンにまえに使っていたキューベースセブンをダウンロードしたのですが、下の画像のような表記になってしまいます。elicenser コントローラーセンターのメンテナンスををしてもう一度やってみたのですができません。elicenrer control center には鍵のマークでマイライセンスと書いてあるのと、ブルーのライセンスの表 株好きの方は神王リョウってやつをどう思いますか? あれを見て恥ずかしいと思わない人はいませんよね?株仲間ってそんなに酷い方ばかりなのですか?詐欺が公になってる気がする。.

Cubaseの購入を考えています シンフォニックメタルを作ります ストリングスや聖歌隊等を入れたオケを作ってライブで同期させたいのですがCubase element8で充分でしょうか? トラック数やvstに制限があるらしいのですがこれらが障害になることはありますか?. Bon Jovi のborn to be my babyのコード進行がわかる方教えてください・・. 作曲ソフトについてです! 僕はBIGBANGのG-DRAGONさんに憧れて作詞作曲を始めました。とわ言ってもど素人です。 そこで質問です! 1. 作曲するに当たって楽器は出来ないとダメでしょうか? 2. G-DRAGONさんが使っている作曲ソフトは何と言うソフトでしょうか? 3.

BIGBANGみたいな曲を作るコツなどありましたら教えてください! 長文になりすいません。回答よろしくお願いしま cubase8か logic proXか (mac使用) 当方長年音楽をやっており、作曲、同人販売を行っております。 恥ずかしながら、自身は作曲、演奏を行うのみで、 Dawによる編集作業は相方に任せていました。 今回独立して作曲活動を行いたいと思い、dawの購入を検討しております。 使用pcはmacbook pro15inch 年モデルで、 使用楽器はギター、m バイトの休業支援金って大体どのくらい支給されたか教えて欲しいです!私も申請出したのですがどのくらいもらえるのかなと思いまして! 1月から時短が始まり5月から9月までは休業でありませんでした 教えてくださる方お願いします.

自分の中でcubaseクソ説が浮上してきました。 ダウンロード、インストール時間が異常に長く エラーも起き、常軌を逸しています。 わざと欠陥のあるソフトを混ぜているのか アップデートやら新しいソフト買わせるやらで 利益をあげようとしているのでしょうか? artist で使えるはずのretrologue2が使えない。 最初からしっかりしたアルペジエーターを MIDIインサートに使 Studio oneについて質問です。 あるソングのトラックをコピーし、別のソングにペーストすることはできますか?.

ボカロPのsyudouさんが使っているDAWソフト分かりますか? 他の方も知っていたら教えて欲しいです. ボカロ DTM 初心者です アホな質問かもしれませんが教えてください ボカロを歌わせるためには「ボカロエディター」と「ボカロ単体」を買わなきゃいけないと教えられたのですが、これら2つともCDですよね?? パソコンにCD2つも入らないんですけど、ボカロエディターのCDを1回でも入れたら、2回目以降の使用は入れなくてもいいんですか?? だってそうしないと、ミクとかFlowerの音声を入れられ DTM、作曲初心者です。米津玄師の作曲方法(DTM や使用している機材を教えてください。 米津玄師はどのように作曲していますか?.

音楽を聴きながら瞑想してもいいのでしょうか?瞑想用の音楽があるくらいですからきっといいのだと思いますが、こういうものはダメとかありますか?例えば歌詞が入っているものとか(それが外国語で意味がわからなく ても)。やり方はなんであれ、考えることを止めて心を落ち着かせることができれば何でもいいのでしょうか?. 米津玄師さんの本名ってげんしじゃなくてけんしなのにほとんどの人はげんしと最初は読んでいたと思うんですけど米津玄師さんは間違った情報をいつ言い直したんですか?もし米津さんは何もいってなかったらどうやって 正しい読み方が広がっていったのでしょうか?.

cakewalkまたはdawソフトとmidiキーボードについて。midiはM-audioの oxygenです。 このキーボードはキーボードにrec開始ボタンとかあります。キーボードのこのボタンをおしてrecスタートとかいう設定をしたいのですが、daw側でいじる設定はありますか?環境設定デバイス追加しただけです。わかる方教えてください。お願いします。. DAWのギタープラグインでDropDチューニング出来るものはありますか? 自分で弾いた方が早いって話しは無しでお願いします。 あと、DropDチューニング出来ない場合はピッチベンドを使うしか無いですか?. Windows10環境でUR22mk2にコンデンサーマイクを挿して使用しています。 先日、Yamaha Steinberg USB Driverのコントロールパネルからループバック機能をオンにしたところ、「Enable Loopback」のチェックを外してもオフにできなくなりました。 サウンドの設定から再生と録音のUR22mk2を無効化しても、自分の声がループバックし、UR22mk2に挿したヘッドホンから聞こえる状態です。 ドライバの再インストールは試しました。 解決策はないでしょうか。.

akgのcを購入したのですが、録音する際は dbのスイッチ入れた方がいいのか、ローカットも入れた方がいいのか、割とスタジオに近い環境で歌を録音するのですがどちらがよいのでしょうか. オーディオインターフェースのモニターについての質問です。 アンプをスピーカーとして使うことってできますか? パワーアンプとして使える端子がついてるのでいけるかなぁと思ったんですけど、よく考えたらプリアンプとキャビネットはスピーカーケーブルで繋がないといけないのでダメかなと思い、分からなくなって質問しました。 ていうか、プラグインソフトのキャビネットを通したのにアンプを使っちゃったら意味ないですかね?笑 モニターするときはやっぱりスピーカーを買うべきなのでしょうか? どなたか教えてくださいー。.

ドラムソフト、BFD3とアディクティブドラム ドラムソフトを買おうと思っているのですが BFD3がセールで円 アディクティブドラムが円でした。 BFD3を買おうかと思いましたが 簡単に扱えない、容量が大きい。 という理由でアディクティブドラムにしようかとおもったのですが、 でもせっかく円と格安だし… どうせならBFD3ほしいし… といった感じです。 どちらがおすすめでしょうか? 因みにパソコンのスペックは M1 macbook Air メモリ8ギガ 容量ギガ です。 また、今後ハイエンドモデルのiMacを買うつもりです。. DTM 単音をずっと鳴らす方法 BUMP OF CHICKENの天体観測などの 最初の音(ギターの単音がずっと鳴る感じ)はどうやって鳴らすのでしょうか? アンプシュミレーターでモジュレーションをいじる? シンセサイザーでの設定? 押し当てください。お願いします.

可不で、先に歌詞や音程データを作っておいて、cakewalkで後から 作られたデータに合わせて音を作ることは出来ますか? また、可能であればやり方を教えて欲しいです。. 質問です! RMEのUFX2というオーディオインターフェースを使っていて OUTPUT3,4からキーーンていう8khzくらいのノイズが出ます。 他のOUTPUTからは出てないのに、なんでここからだけ出るんでしょうか。 パソコン繋いでるのが問題かな?と思って、スタンドアローンで試しても同じです。 もし、わかる人いたら教えてください!!!! 個人的にはアースがきちんと落ちていないのかな、、、それか本体の故障か、と 考えています。.

studio one 5 primeを購入しオーディオインターフェイスを接続したいのですが、オーディオデバイスには端末の接続機器がでてこらず、USBを変えたりいろいろ試したのですが認知されません。どうすれば繋がりますか? ?. Logic Proの設定について教えてください。 最近ロジックを購入しました。ガレージバンドではプロジェクト制作の画面で赤いバツ 閉じる を押下すると、プロジェクト選択画面 テンプレート画面? に移ってました。 ロジックだとそれが出来ずそのままアプリが閉じてしまうのですが、バツを押下した後にプロジェクト選択画面に遷移する設定には出来るのでしょうか。 もし出来るのだとしたら、方法を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。.

EDM用にシンセが欲しいのですが、spireを買うか それともkompleteselectを買ってmassiveを手に入れるか迷っています どちらがおすすめでしょうか(プリセットの種類とか). Cubaseで1st placeのIAを使いたいのですが種類が多くてよく分かりません、どれがおすすめみたいなのってありますか?. OBSを使っての録画なのですが、ゲーム音とマイク音を分けて録画したいと思っています。 色々調べてOBSでのトラックの分け方など試してみたのですが、ミキサー(画像)を見るとマイクにもデスクトップ音声(ゲーム音が)はいってしまっています。 オーディオインターフェースでTASCAMのMiNiSTUDIOを使っています。 オーディオインターフェース側でマイクの録音ボリュームをゼロにすると。声は入らず、ゲーム音でミキサーが動いてる状況です。 オーディオインターフェースやパソコン側の設定かなと思っているのですが、、.

DTMについて質問です! 最近、色々とプラグインを入れてしまい、容量がカツカツです!! DAW自体は、内蔵HDDに入っていますが、外付けSSDに、プラグインを保存して普通に使えますか?. 最近、ボーカルMIXを勉強しているのですが、 とある本で、 何もしてないボーカルトラックと、そのトラックをコピーしてコンプをかけて、2つを混ぜる。 と書いてありました! ボーカルトラックは、1つだけと思っていたのですが、複数トラックを使ってゴチャっとした、音にならないのでしょうか? また、この手法はよくあるミックスですか!?.

RME UFXiiにヘッドホンアンプを繋げたいのですが背面のアナログ出力1. Plugin BoutiqueでTrackspacerというプラグインを購入したのですが失敗してしまいました。 そのプラグインをダウンロードするにはWavesfactoryの入力画面にコードやメールアドレスを入力し、送信しなければならないのですがタイプミスをしてしまい間違ったメールアドレスを送信してしまいました。 そして改めて正しいメールアドレスを入力して送信したら下のようなメールが返ってきしまいました。 Hi 自分の名前, The redeem code you just submitted in our website has already been assigned to another user. xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx(コード名)Please, get in touch with the reseller to fix this issue.

リセラーに連絡してください。この問題を修正します的なことが書いてあると思うのですが、どうすればよいのかよく分かりません。 リセラーに連絡というのはWavesfactoryのサポートにメールアドレスを間違えて送信してしまったことを報告してこの問題を解決してもらえばいいということですかね? 自分は英語に弱く、解決困っております。どうか分かる方よろしくお願いします。.

JAPANは、回答に記載された内容の信ぴょう性、正確性を保証しておりません。 お客様自身の責任と判断で、ご利用ください。. 閉じる ログイン. Windows 10 November Update is live! After several months of Insider testing, the November Update, version 21H2, is going live for the public. Like the previous versions, this would be a phased-out release, meaning not everyone would get it at the same time. However, through the ISO files, you can force and clean install Windows 10 version 21H2 on your devices without waiting for the official notification. Xbox Series S the Big Black Friday Winner According to Early Analysis.

Not a fan of Update Assistant? Well, you are in luck. The Windows maker has also released the Windows 10 21H2 ISO files, which are now available for download. Here are the links valid for both Home and Pro to download Windows 10 November Update:. For languages other than English, head over to Microsoft. As these links will expire soon UTC , follow the instructions below to easily download Windows 10 21H2, November Update ISO HOME and PRO for your devices:.

Windows 10 November Update is the third Service Pack-like release from Microsoft after versions 20H2 and 21H1, which means for those of you who upgraded their devices to the May Update, the October Update, or the May Update , it will be delivered like a monthly cumulative update, significantly reducing the downtime. Microsoft has been sending a number of Preview builds to its Windows Insider Program for the past several months to test and finalize this version of Windows 10, the November Update.

The company is moving on with the release of Windows 11 , which is already available to the public. However, Microsoft will continue to deliver cumulative updates to Windows 10 at least until By Rafia Shaikh. It includes 10 self-paced lessons that let you discover essential skills and explore the new features and capabilities of Adobe After Effects. Every lesson is presented in full color with step-by-step instructions.

Video tutorials and lesson files on a companion DVD were developed by the same team of professional instructors and After Effects experts who have created many of the official training titles for Adobe Systems. Combines a full-color, step-by-step instructional book along with lesson files and video training from expert instructors Written for After Effects CS6, a leading motion graphics and visual effects program that allows users to create and deliver compelling motion graphics and visual effects Demonstrates how to quickly get up to speed using After Effects to create and animate text, images, and video for the web, TV, and digital displays After Effects CS6 Digital Classroom takes you from the basics through intermediate-level topics, teaching you this complex software in a clear, approachable manner.

DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase. Adobe Creative Suite 6 Production Premium Classroom in a Book Author : Adobe Creative Team Publisher : Adobe Press Release Date : Genre: Computers Pages : ISBN 10 : GET BOOK Adobe Creative Suite 6 Production Premium Classroom in a Book Book Description : Those creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Creative Suite CS6 Production Premium choose Adobe Creative Suite CS6 Production Premium Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team at Adobe Press.

From planning to playback, this book covers it all! With focused attention on the workflow and integration between the components of Production Premium, readers will learn to take their project from concept all the way through the production and post-production pipelines using the all the tools necessary.

Readers will also discover how easy it is to use Adobe Media Encoder and Dynamic Link across the suite for easy-to-manage workflow processes as well. Everything you need to master the software is included: clear explanations of each lesson, step-by-step instructions, and the project files for the students. Classroom in a Book offers what no other book or training program does—an official training series from Adobe Systems Incorporated, developed with the support of Adobe product experts.

You will find a link in the last few pages of your eBook that directs you to the media files. Helpful tips: If you are able to search the book,. Score: 5. Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Classroom in a Book Author : Adobe Creative Team Publisher : Adobe Press Release Date : Genre: Computers Pages : ISBN 10 : GET BOOK Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Classroom in a Book Book Description : Those creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 choose Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team at Adobe Press.

The 19 project-based lessons in this book show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working in Premiere Pro CS6. This completely revised CS6 edition covers new features, including the Warp Stabilizer effect for stabilizing uneven, shaky footage. Powerful new trimming techniques are explored in detail and an entire chapter covers the new expanded multicamera editing features.

The new interface in Adobe Premiere Pro 6 offers many new capabilities to the editor who needs quick results and this book covers the workflows required to get the job done. Best of all, the companion DVD includes lesson files so readers can work step-by-step along with the book.

Note from the publisher: If you experience any iss. Score: 4. Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book Author : Adobe Creative Team Publisher : Adobe Press Release Date : Genre: Computers Pages : ISBN 10 : GET BOOK Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book Book Description : Those creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Fireworks choose Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team.

The 14 project-based lessons in this book show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working in Fireworks. Readers will learn what they need to know to design and mock up Web pages or interfaces for rich Internet applications or tablet apps. In addition readers will learn how to demo a design for a client in real time, export the design as an interactive PDF, and export vector design elements as CSS3-only markup for use in websites.

This edition, fully revised for CS6, covers CSS extraction using the CSS Properties panel, jQuery Mobile skinning, and sprite creation. It also includes instruction on working with the Styles panel and several new enhancements to the Properties panel, including the new color selection and gradient editing features. The companion DVD includes lesson files so readers can work along with the book.

The book covers the basics of learning Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 and provides countless tips and techniques to help you become more productive with the program. A thoroughly packed, informative read, this masterful guide focuses on explaining the essential concepts, features, and techniques that are key to creating seamless movie-quality visual effects.

Users who are comfortable with After Effects will find a helpful review of the fundamentals—managing footage, viewing and editing layers, animating type, and more—so they can learn how to work smarter and more efficiently.

Readers of all levels will learn core techniques for effects compositing including color matching, keying, rotoscoping, motion tracking, emulating the camera, and concluding with using expressions in After Effects, written by contributor and expert Dan Ebberts.

The final section of the book delves into creative explorations, demonstrating professional effects that readers might want to re-create. You will need a web-enabled device or computer in order to acce.

Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Classroom in a Book Author : Adobe Creative Team Publisher : Adobe Press Release Date : Genre: Computers Pages : ISBN 10 : GET BOOK Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Classroom in a Book Book Description : Those creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Flash Professional CS6 choose Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team.

The 10 project-based lessons in this book show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working in Flash CS6. Readers learn what they need to know to create engaging interactive content with Flash CS6. In addition to learning the key elements of the Flash interface, including panels, timelines, and frames, readers learn how to work with graphics, create and edit symbols, modify text, add interactivity with ActionScript, and incorporate animation and sound into their projects.

They also learn how to prepare and export their finished projects for publishing. The book also covers the new, powerful, and intuitive tools and integrated support for reaching audiences across devices that run on Android and iOS platforms by targeting the Adobe AIR 3.

The companion DVD includes lesson files so readers can work along with the book, as well video training from Learn Adobe Flash Professional CS6 by Video. Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Web Premium Classroom in a Book Author : Adobe Creative Team Publisher : Adobe Press Release Date : Genre: Computers Pages : ISBN 10 : GET BOOK Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Web Premium Classroom in a Book Book Description : Creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Creative Suite 6 choose Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design and Web Premium Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team at Adobe Press.

The 6 project-based lessons show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working with the applications in the Creative Suite. Readers learn what they need to know to create engaging layouts for print or web publishing. You will need a web-enabled device or computer in order to access the media files that accompany this ebook. Entering the URL supplied into a computer with web access will allow you to get to the files. Depending on your device, it is possible that your display settings will cut off part of the URL.

To make sure this is not the case, try reducing your font size and turning your device to a landscape view. This should cause the full URL to appear. Those creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Muse choose Adobe Muse Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team at Adobe Press. The 10 project-based lessons in this book show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working in Muse.

Readers will learn Muse from the ground up and create websites using the latest web standards without writing code. They will learn how to plan projects using site maps and master pages; design pages and add interactivity though buttons, links, and widgets; access Typekit web fonts included with subscription to Muse; and publish a website via Business Catalyst or standard web hosting. The companion disc includes lesson files so readers can work along with the book. Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book Author : Adobe Creative Team Publisher : Adobe Press Release Date : Genre: Computers Pages : ISBN 10 : GET BOOK Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book Book Description : Creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Illustrator CS6 choose Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team at Adobe Press.

The 15 project-based lessons in this book show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working in Illustrator CS6 and how to create vector artwork for virtually any project and across multiple media: print, websites, interactive projects, and video.

In addition to learning the key elements of the Illustrator interface, this completely revised CS6 edition covers the new tracing engine with improved shape and color recognition, a new pattern toolset with on-artboard controls and one-click tiling, a completely overhauled performance engine and modernized user interface for working more efficiently and intuitively, and more.

In August Adobe released an update to Illustrator offering new features for Creative Cloud customers: Package files, Unembed images and Links panel enhancements. Register your book at peachpit. Adobe Creative Suite 6 Production Premium Classroom in a Book Author : Adobe Team Publisher : Unknown Release Date : Genre: Dreamweaver Computer file Pages : ISBN 10 : OCLC GET BOOK Adobe Creative Suite 6 Production Premium Classroom in a Book Book Description : Those creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Creative Suite CS6 Production Premium choose Adobe Creative Suite CS6 Production Premium Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team at Adobe Press.

Chapters cover planning and organizing projects, editing in Premiere Pro, creating motion graphics and visual effects using After Effects, working with audio, color correcting in SpeedGrade a new product in the suite , finishing and rendering compositions, and authoring for DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, and the Web. The companion DVD includes lesson files so readers can work step-by-step along with the book. Classroom in a Book offers what no other book or training program does-an official training series from Adobe Systems Incorporated, developed with the support of Adobe product experts.

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As you position the puck farther to the right, the drum pattern becomes more com- plex; and as you move the puck toward the top of the pad, the drummer plays louder. As he plays louder, he opens the hi-hat and start playing rim shots hitting the skin and the rim simultaneously for accent. You can still hear a lot of syncopation on the kick drums. The drummer now simply alternates kick and snare on every beat.

Listen to the hi-hat: It is currently playing eighth notes. The drummer is playing a fill in the middle of the region before bar 5 and another at the end before bar 9. You should still see a fill at the end of the region. Each time you adjust a setting in the Drummer Editor, the selected region is refreshed and the drummer plays a new subtle variation. Dragging the Fills knob by a tiny amount is a quick way to refresh a region.

You now have a very straightforward beat. Because the drummer plays less now, he can make the hi-hat ring a bit more. On the drum kit, the hi-hat is now dimmed, while the cymbals are highlighted in yellow. The drummer no longer plays the hi-hat, but instead plays a ride or crash cymbal in that region.

You can hear the second region in Cycle mode. The drummer is playing the ride cym- bal on every eighth note. For a more powerful chorus, you instead want him to play crash cymbals on every beat. You now hear crash cymbals on every beat.

Even for a chorus, the beat is a little too busy. You now have a simple, straightforward beat for the verse, and then the drummer switches to the crash cymbal for the busier chorus pattern. You have carefully crafted two eight-measure drum grooves: one for the verse and one for the chorus. They are the two most important building blocks of the song that you will now start arranging.

Arranging the Drum Track In this exercise, you will lay out the whole song structure and continue editing drum regions for each section, still using the two Drummer regions you edited for the verses and choruses.

Using Markers in the Arrangement Track Using the Arrangement track, you will now create arrangement markers for all the sections of your song. The global tracks open, with the Arrangement track at the top.

Also Control-click the Signature and Tempo tracks, and hide them. The Arrangement track is now closer to the regions in the workspace, making it easier to see their relationships.

An eight-measure arrangement marker named Intro is created at the beginning of the song. By default, arrangement markers are eight bars long and are placed one after the other, starting from the beginning of the song.

An eight-bar marker named Chorus is created. You will now create a marker for a new intro section and insert it before the Verse and Chorus markers.

A four-measure intro will be long enough, so you can resize the Intro marker before moving it. In the workspace, the Drummer regions move along with their respective arrangement markers. As with regions in the workspace, you can Option-drag a marker to copy it. Option-drag the Verse marker to bar 21, right after the chorus.

The Verse marker and the Drummer region are copied together. The Chorus and the Drummer region are copied together. The song is taking shape.

You will now finish arranging the song structure with a bridge, a chorus, and an outro section. As you place the last three markers, continue zooming out horizontally as necessary.

A Verse marker is created after the last chorus. The song structure is now complete, and you can add Drummer regions to fill out the empty sections. New patterns were automatically created for each new Drummer region. Editing the Intro Drum Performance In this exercise, you will make the drummer play the snare instead of the toms. The Drummer Editor shows its settings. Throughout this exercise you can click the Play button in the Drummer Editor to start and stop playback, or you can navigate the workspace by pressing the Spacebar Play or Stop and the Return key Go to Beginning.

The toms are dimmed to indicate that they are muted. In the Intro region, the toms disappear from the top lane. In the Intro region, snare hits appear next to the kick hits on the bottom lane.

To play the kick in only the first half of the intro, followed by the kick and snare in the second half, you will cut the Intro region in two. The region is divided into two two-measure regions. When a region is divided, the drummer automatically adapts his performance, and plays a fill at the end of each new region. Notice how the crash disappears from the first beat of the following region.

Even though it is in another region, the crash is actually a part of the fill. The snare plays every beat. Now the drummer plays rim clicks at the beginning of the first Intro region, and hits the snare a few times at the end. The drums play a straightforward beat with a fill at the end.

Now you will open the hi-hat to add energy to the end of the intro. The drummer plays the snare on the first eight beats, and then a basic rock pattern with a very open hi-hat adds energy. At bar 5, a crash punctuates the fill at the end of the intro. The straightforward groove continues in the Verse section with the hi-hat a little less open to leave space to later add a singer.

Editing the Bridge Drum Performance In a song, the bridge serves to break the sequence of alternating verses and choruses. Often, the main idea of the song is exposed in the choruses, and verses help support or develop that statement. The bridge can present an alternate idea, a different point of view. For this fast, high-energy indie-rock song, a quieter bridge in which the instruments play softer will offer a refreshing dynamic contrast.

Playing softer does not mean the instru- ments have to play less, however. In fact, you will make the drums play a busier pattern during this bridge. When pressing the Spacebar to play a section, you can use Cycle mode to ensure that playback always starts at the beginning of the section. The drummer plays at the same level as in the previous sections, but he plays more here.

You need to bring down his energy level. When you click the toms, the hi-hat is automatically muted. Aside from the kick and snare, the drummer can focus on the toms, the hi-hat, or the cymbals ride and crash. Kyle is now playing sixteenth notes on the toms, which create a mysterious vibe simi- lar to tribal percussions. You will make him switch from the toms to the ride cymbal in the second half of the bridge to brighten things up. While the second Bridge region is still selected, you can adjust the cycle area.

The toms are muted, and the drummer now plays the ride cymbal. However, the groove still seems to be missing something. You can hear rim clicks. He plays a crescendo, thereby building up energy to lead into the next chorus. Kyle plays slightly ahead of the beat during the bridge.

You will be editing the feel of both Bridge regions simultaneously. At the top of the Drummer Editor, the ruler, Play button, and playhead are hidden because multiple regions are selected. You can now adjust the settings of all the selected regions at once. Settle on a Feel knob position more toward Pull to realize a reasonably relaxed groove. Kyle now starts the bridge with a busy pattern on the toms, and then moves on to a bell sound on the ride.

He uses restraint, hitting softly and behind the beat, with a slight crescendo toward the end. The quiet and laid-back yet complex drum groove brings a welcome pause to an otherwise high-energy drum performance, and builds up tension leading into the last two sections.

That Chorus region was created when you populated the track with Drummer regions earlier in this lesson. The drummer now plays the crash, and this last chorus is more consistent with the previous two choruses. The drummer plays a loud beat, heavy on the crash, which could work for an outro. You will, however, make him play double-time twice as fast to end the song in a big way.

Playing double-time at that fast tempo makes the sixteenth notes on the kick drum sound ridiculously fast. The performance now sounds more realistic while retaining the driving effect of its double-time groove. The drum fill at the end of the outro is now longer. However, raising the number of fills has the undesirable effect of adding a new fill in the middle of the outro.

To remove that fill, you will cut the Outro region in two. You now have two two-bar Outro regions. The outro has the required power to drive the last four measures; however, it seems like the drummer stops abruptly before he can finish his fill. Usually drummers end a song by playing the last note on the first beat of a new bar, but here a crash cymbal is missing on the downbeat at bar You will resize the last Outro region in the work- space to accommodate that last drum hit.

A moment after you release the mouse button, the Drummer region updates, and you can see a kick and a crash on the downbeat at bar The drummer finishes his fill, punctuating it with the last hit at bar You are now done editing the drum performance and can focus on the sound of the drums.

Customizing the Drum Kit When recording a live drummer in a studio, the engineer often positions microphones on each drum. This allows control over the sound of each drum, so he can individually equalize or compress the sound of each kit piece. The producer may also want the drum- mer to try different kicks or snares, or to experiment with hitting the cymbals softer before he begins recording. In Logic, when using Drummer, the sounds of each drum are already recorded. However, you can still use several tools to customize the drum kit and adjust the sound of each drum.

You will study Smart Controls in more detail in Lesson 5.


The 6 Best MIDI Controllers for Logic Pro X in – Best Midi Controllers for


When you have the code: 1 Go to www. Logic Pro X Files contains two subfolders, Lessons and Media, that contain the work- ing files for this course. Make sure you keep these two folders together in the Logic Pro X Files folder on your hard disk. If you do so, your Mac should be able to main- tain the original links between the lessons and media files. At the beginning of Lesson 1, you will be instructed how to show advanced tools and select all additional options.

If you have changed some of your Logic Pro X preferences, you may not realize the same results as described in the exercises. Keep in mind, however, that when you initialize preferences, you lose your custom set- tings, and later you may want to reset your favorite preferences manually. A confirmation message appears. Your preferences are initialized to their default states. Using the U. Key Command Preset This book assumes that you are using the default initialized key command preset for a U.

So, you may find that some of the key commands in your Logic installation do not function as they are described in this book. A Save As dialog opens. Your custom shortcuts can now be recalled as any other key command preset.

Your new preset appears at the bottom of the Presets sub-menu. An Open dialog appears. Logic will now respond to the key commands as described in this book. Screen Resolution Depending on your display resolution, some of the project files may appear different on your screen than they do in the book. When using a low display resolution, you may also have to zoom or scroll more often than instructed in the book when performing some of the exercise steps.

In some cases, you may have to temporarily resize or close an area of the Arrange window to complete an action in another area. Developed by experts in the field and certified by Apple, the series is used by Apple Authorized Training Cen- ters worldwide and offers complete training in all Apple Pro products.

The lessons are designed to let you learn at your own pace. For a complete list of Apple Pro Training Series books, see the ad at the back of this book or visit www.

Upon completing the course material in this book, you can become a certified Apple Pro by taking the certification exam at an Apple Authorized Training Center. Successful cer- tification as an Apple Pro gives you official recognition of your knowledge of Apple pro- fessional applications while allowing you to market yourself to employers and clients as a skilled, pro-level user of Apple products.

For those who prefer to learn in an instructor-led setting, Apple offers training courses at Apple Authorized Training Centers worldwide. These courses, which use the Apple Pro Training Series books as their curriculum, are taught by Apple Certified Trainers and bal- ance concepts and lectures with hands-on labs and exercises. The goal of the pro- gram is to offer Apple customers, from beginners to the most seasoned professionals, the highest-quality training experience. For more information, please see the ad at the back of this book, or to find an Authorized Training Center near you, go to training.

Resources Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro X is not intended as a comprehensive reference man- ual, nor does it replace the documentation that comes with the application. Other documents available in the Help menu can also be valuable resources. They provide the foundation for the tempo and the groove of the piece. For recording sessions in which the instruments are not tracked at the same time, drums are usually recorded or pro- grammed first, so that the other musicians can record while listening to their rhythmic reference.

In Logic Pro X, you can speed up the process by taking advantage of the new Drummer feature along with its companion software instrument, Drum Kit Designer. In this lesson, you will produce a virtual drum track to start producing a new imaginary indie-rock song.

His performance is placed in Drummer regions on a Drummer track. You edit the performance data in the regions using the Drummer Editor. The virtual drummer also has his own drum kit loaded in a software instrument plug-in called Drum Kit Designer. A new project opens along with the New Tracks dialog. A Drummer track is created along with two eight-bar Drummer regions. At the bot- tom of the main window, the Drummer Editor opens, allowing you to choose a drum- mer and his drum kit, and to edit the performance in the Drummer region s that are selected in the workspace.

The track is named SoCal, which is the name of the drum kit used by the default virtual drummer, Kyle. In the first region, the drummer starts with a crash cymbal, and plays a straightfor- ward rock pattern. At the end of the first four measures, he plays the simplest of fills a single tom hit , followed by a crash cymbal that accentuates the first downbeat of bar 5.

At the end of the first Drummer region, a drum fill leads into the next section. In the second region, the drummer switches from the hi-hat to the ride cymbal, and plays a more complex pattern: The kick is busier, and the snare adds ghost notes very quiet hits between beats. As in the first region, the drummer plays a fill at the end of the first four measures, followed by a crash. He plays another fill at the end of the region. If necessary, con- tinue zooming vertically by dragging the vertical zoom slider or pressing Command- Down Arrow until you can see two lanes in the Drummer region.

Crash cymbal Stronger hi-hat Softer hi-hat Snare Kick The Drummer region displays drum hits as triangles on lanes, roughly emulating the look of drum hits on an audio waveform. Kicks and snares are shown on the bottom lane; cymbals, toms, and hand percussions are on the top lane. Now you can read the Drummer regions. In the next exercise, you will listen to multiple drummers and several performance presets.

Later, you will zoom in again to see the Drummer regions update as you adjust their settings in the Drummer Editor. Choosing a Drummer and a Style Each drummer has his own playing style and drum kit, and those combine to create a unique drum sound.

In the Drummer Editor, drummers are categorized by music genres. Genre pop-up menu Drummer Character card Drum kit 1 In the character card, click the drummer.

All the drummers from the Rock category are displayed. A dialog explains how to retain region settings when changing the drummer. The Drummer Editor shows you the settings for the selected Drummer region.

A yel- low ruler allows you to position the playhead anywhere within the region, and you can click the Play button to the left of the ruler to preview the Drummer region. As in the Tracks area, you can also double-click the ruler to start and stop playback. Play button Playhead The selected region plays in Cycle mode, and the cycle area automatically matches the region position and length.

The selected region is soloed—indicated by a thin yellow frame—and the other region is dimmed. Soloing the region helps you focus on the drums when you have other tracks in the project. You are looking for a drum- mer with a simple, straightforward style that more appropriately serves the song. In the Tracks area, Cycle mode is automatically turned off, the dimmed cycle area returns to its original position and length, and the selected region is no longer soloed.

Drummers from the Alternative category are shown. When you click a preset, the region settings update and you can hear another perfor- mance from the same drummer. You can Option-click a new drummer to select that drummer while keeping the cur- rent drum kit. You are now ready to customize the performance. They may ask the drummer to play behind or ahead of the beat to change the feel of the groove, or to switch from the hi-hat to the ride cymbal during the chorus, or to play a drum fill in a specific location.

In Logic Pro X, editing a drummer performance is almost like giving instructions to a real drummer. In this exercise, you will play a drum region in Cycle mode as you adjust the drummer settings. Next to the presets, an XY pad with a yellow puck lets you adjust both the loudness and complexity of the drum pattern. To undo your most recent Drummer Editor adjustment, press Command-Z.

After positioning the puck, you must wait for the region to update update time var- ies depending on your computer. If you drag the puck constantly, the region will not update.

As you position the puck farther to the right, the drum pattern becomes more com- plex; and as you move the puck toward the top of the pad, the drummer plays louder. As he plays louder, he opens the hi-hat and start playing rim shots hitting the skin and the rim simultaneously for accent. You can still hear a lot of syncopation on the kick drums. The drummer now simply alternates kick and snare on every beat.

Listen to the hi-hat: It is currently playing eighth notes. The drummer is playing a fill in the middle of the region before bar 5 and another at the end before bar 9. You should still see a fill at the end of the region.

Each time you adjust a setting in the Drummer Editor, the selected region is refreshed and the drummer plays a new subtle variation. Dragging the Fills knob by a tiny amount is a quick way to refresh a region. You now have a very straightforward beat.

Because the drummer plays less now, he can make the hi-hat ring a bit more. On the drum kit, the hi-hat is now dimmed, while the cymbals are highlighted in yellow. The drummer no longer plays the hi-hat, but instead plays a ride or crash cymbal in that region.

You can hear the second region in Cycle mode. The drummer is playing the ride cym- bal on every eighth note. For a more powerful chorus, you instead want him to play crash cymbals on every beat. You now hear crash cymbals on every beat. Even for a chorus, the beat is a little too busy. You now have a simple, straightforward beat for the verse, and then the drummer switches to the crash cymbal for the busier chorus pattern. You have carefully crafted two eight-measure drum grooves: one for the verse and one for the chorus.

They are the two most important building blocks of the song that you will now start arranging. Arranging the Drum Track In this exercise, you will lay out the whole song structure and continue editing drum regions for each section, still using the two Drummer regions you edited for the verses and choruses.

Using Markers in the Arrangement Track Using the Arrangement track, you will now create arrangement markers for all the sections of your song. The global tracks open, with the Arrangement track at the top. Also Control-click the Signature and Tempo tracks, and hide them. The Arrangement track is now closer to the regions in the workspace, making it easier to see their relationships. An eight-measure arrangement marker named Intro is created at the beginning of the song.

By default, arrangement markers are eight bars long and are placed one after the other, starting from the beginning of the song. An eight-bar marker named Chorus is created. You will now create a marker for a new intro section and insert it before the Verse and Chorus markers.

A four-measure intro will be long enough, so you can resize the Intro marker before moving it. In the workspace, the Drummer regions move along with their respective arrangement markers. As with regions in the workspace, you can Option-drag a marker to copy it.

Option-drag the Verse marker to bar 21, right after the chorus. The Verse marker and the Drummer region are copied together. The Chorus and the Drummer region are copied together. The song is taking shape. You will now finish arranging the song structure with a bridge, a chorus, and an outro section. As you place the last three markers, continue zooming out horizontally as necessary. A Verse marker is created after the last chorus. The song structure is now complete, and you can add Drummer regions to fill out the empty sections.

New patterns were automatically created for each new Drummer region. Editing the Intro Drum Performance In this exercise, you will make the drummer play the snare instead of the toms.

The Drummer Editor shows its settings. Throughout this exercise you can click the Play button in the Drummer Editor to start and stop playback, or you can navigate the workspace by pressing the Spacebar Play or Stop and the Return key Go to Beginning. The toms are dimmed to indicate that they are muted. In the Intro region, the toms disappear from the top lane. In the Intro region, snare hits appear next to the kick hits on the bottom lane. To play the kick in only the first half of the intro, followed by the kick and snare in the second half, you will cut the Intro region in two.

The region is divided into two two-measure regions. When a region is divided, the drummer automatically adapts his performance, and plays a fill at the end of each new region. Notice how the crash disappears from the first beat of the following region.

Even though it is in another region, the crash is actually a part of the fill. The snare plays every beat. Now the drummer plays rim clicks at the beginning of the first Intro region, and hits the snare a few times at the end. The drums play a straightforward beat with a fill at the end. Now you will open the hi-hat to add energy to the end of the intro.

The drummer plays the snare on the first eight beats, and then a basic rock pattern with a very open hi-hat adds energy. At bar 5, a crash punctuates the fill at the end of the intro. The straightforward groove continues in the Verse section with the hi-hat a little less open to leave space to later add a singer. Editing the Bridge Drum Performance In a song, the bridge serves to break the sequence of alternating verses and choruses. Often, the main idea of the song is exposed in the choruses, and verses help support or develop that statement.

The bridge can present an alternate idea, a different point of view. For this fast, high-energy indie-rock song, a quieter bridge in which the instruments play softer will offer a refreshing dynamic contrast. Playing softer does not mean the instru- ments have to play less, however.

In fact, you will make the drums play a busier pattern during this bridge. When pressing the Spacebar to play a section, you can use Cycle mode to ensure that playback always starts at the beginning of the section. The drummer plays at the same level as in the previous sections, but he plays more here. You need to bring down his energy level. When you click the toms, the hi-hat is automatically muted.

Aside from the kick and snare, the drummer can focus on the toms, the hi-hat, or the cymbals ride and crash. Kyle is now playing sixteenth notes on the toms, which create a mysterious vibe simi- lar to tribal percussions.

You will make him switch from the toms to the ride cymbal in the second half of the bridge to brighten things up. While the second Bridge region is still selected, you can adjust the cycle area.

The toms are muted, and the drummer now plays the ride cymbal. However, the groove still seems to be missing something. You can hear rim clicks. He plays a crescendo, thereby building up energy to lead into the next chorus. Kyle plays slightly ahead of the beat during the bridge.

You will be editing the feel of both Bridge regions simultaneously. At the top of the Drummer Editor, the ruler, Play button, and playhead are hidden because multiple regions are selected. You can now adjust the settings of all the selected regions at once. Settle on a Feel knob position more toward Pull to realize a reasonably relaxed groove. Kyle now starts the bridge with a busy pattern on the toms, and then moves on to a bell sound on the ride.

He uses restraint, hitting softly and behind the beat, with a slight crescendo toward the end. Download now. With the latest Pro Tools, you can now fix pitchy vocals, harmonize notes, transpose tracks, fix timings, and experiment with extreme effects in real time using Melodyne directly in your Pro Tools Edit window.

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His career encompasses a wide spectrum of the music universe. His TV scoring credits include more than episodes, encompassing such award-winning productions including PBS\’s acclaimed, Reading Rainbow downlod which he composed the iconic \”Butterfly in the Sky\” theme xx Read More. На этой странице an account or login to get started!

Audio is your ultimate daily resource prp the latest news, reviews, tutorials нажмите чтобы перейти interviews for digital music makers, by digital music makers. Log In Create Account. A NonLinear Educating Company. ロジックPro Xのチュートリアル:MIDI Logic pro x learn midi free download Steve Horelick on Jul 16, in Logic Pro 1 comments. Arpeggiating in Logic 9 used to be tricky.

Logic Pro X changes that with easy to use yet incredibly powerful new MIDI FX plug-ins! Steve H show how to use the new Arpeggiator and download free patches. Arpeggiator Arpeggiator logic pro create arpeggiated patterns how to logic pro logic how to logic pro how to logic pro X.

Steve Horelick More articles by this author. Related Videos. macProVideo Refreshes Their Logic Free Series With a New Tutorial Course. The Future of Podcasting is Spatial. Exploring Logic\’s New Atmos Renderer and Head Tracking in Logic Pro Discussion Rounik. Nice job Steve!! The Arpeggiator really is my favourite addition to Logic Pro X so far it\’s pdo much more playable than the raps we used to make in Logic\’s Environment and yes: working with the Transport not running is so, so good! Want to join the discussion?

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